Everix to Deliver Keynote Address at OSA Imaging & Applied Optics Congress
Everix founder, Hooman Banaei, will be walking the audience through his roller-coaster-like entrepreneurial journey of building Everix Optical Filters out of his storage unit to touch on lives of potentially billions, while sharing experiences and lessons learnt along the way.
"E. Hooman Banaei (Everix Optical Filters, USA) used the location appropriate metaphor of a rollercoaster to describe his entrepreneurial journey so far. Hooman discussed his philosophy that to be an entrepreneur you need to be PRETI: Passionate – if you aren’t passionate about your product how can you expect others to be Resilient – a lot will go wrong, you need to bounce back Ego-free – you need to listen to feedback without bias Tolerant of risk and pain – many start-ups fail in the first two years because people just give up Insane – in a positive sense, you will make many decisions that you can’t justify in a rational way"